Annual Report 2020
- Foreword
- 2020 at a glance
- 1. A decisive judicial response to cross border crime
- 2. Practical support to 8 800 cross-border criminal investigations
- - 2.1 Interactive map: cases, coordination meetings, coordination centres and JITs per state
- - 2.2 Interactive map: case activity between states
- 3. Full operational continuity during COVID-19 pandemic
- 4. Enhancing judicial cooperation policy and instruments
- - 4.1 Support to 262 joint investigation teams
- - 4.2.1 The European Arrest Warrant: Follow-up on the case law of the Court of Justice and increased operational support in times of COVID-19
- - 4.2.2 In-depth analysis of the first years of the application of the European Investigation Order
- - 4.2.3 Extradition of EU citizens to third countries
- - 4.2.4 Solving and preventing conflicts of jurisdiction
- - 4.2.5 Guidance on the application of new EU legislation on freezing and confiscation
- - 4.3.1 Migrant smuggling
- - 4.3.2 Cybercrime
- - 4.3.3 Terrorism
- - 4.4 Stepping up the support to victims of crime
- 5. A gateway to 55 jurisdictions worldwide
- - 5.1 Western Balkans
- - 5.2. EuroMed Justice Programme
- - 5.3 Latin America
- - 5.4 Norway
- - 5.5 Ukraine
- - 5.6 United States of America
- - 5.7 Switzerland
- - 5.8 Looking ahead
- 6. Close cooperation with EU partners
- - 6.1 European Commission: a key partner in the governance of Eurojust
- - 6.2 The Justice and Home Affairs Council and cooperation with the EU Presidencies
- - 6.3 Democratic oversight by the European Parliament
- - 6.4 Operational and strategic cooperation with Europol
- - 6.5 Building relations with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the European Anti-Fraud Office
- - 6.6 Fostering dialogue on crisis response and digitalisation in the Justice and Home Affairs agencies’ network
- 7. Casework by crime type
- - 7.1 Statistics per crime type
- - 7.2 Encrochat case
- - 7.3 Economic crimes
- - - 7.3.1 Swindling and fraud
- - - 7.3.2 Money laundering
- - - 7.3.3 Corruption
- - - 7.3.4 Environmental crime
- - - 7.3.5 Intellectual property crime
- - 7.4 Drug trafficking
- - 7.5 Terrorism
- - 7.6 Cybercrime
- - 7.7 Migrant smuggling
- - 7.8 Trafficking in human beings
- - 7.9 Mobile Crime Groups
- 8. Governance and Agency management
- - 8.1 Governance: The work of the College and the Executive Board
- - 8.2 Agency management, budget execution and staff
- - 8.3 Protecting personal data
- 9. Speeding up the digitalisation of criminal justice across borders
- Data Annex
- PDF version of Annual Report