The EuroMed Justice project is currently in phase VI (2024-2027). It is funded by the The Directorate-General for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf (DG MENA) of the European Commission and implemented by Eurojust since phase V (2020-2023).
The overall objective of the sixth phase of EuroMed Justice is to strengthen the strategic and operational cooperation in judicial criminal matters in order to contribute to the protection of the citizens of the European Union and of the South Partner Countries against criminal activities, with due respect to the rule of law and human rights.
Building on the previous phases of the project, this sixth phase of EuroMed Justice puts more emphasis on practical operational cooperation. It notably facilitates cooperation in cross-border cases, also providing ad-hoc technical assistance upon the request of South Partner Countries and Member States of the European Union.
Specific objectives:
- Strengthened strategic and operational cooperation in judicial criminal matters in the cross-Mediterranean region on three axes: (1) between South Partner Countries, (2) between South Partner Countries and EU Member States and (3) between South Partner Countries and EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies and bodies, in particular Eurojust and the European Judicial Network.
- Enhanced capacities of South Partner Countries to fight serious and organised crime throughout efficient and effective international judicial cooperation.
How does the project achieve its goals?
Continuing to support the strategical cooperation mechanism established in the previous phases of the project:
- EuroMed Justice Expert Group in Criminal Matters (CrimEx): fosters the cross-region’s ownership in the implementation of the project, builds trust and mutual confidence, and exchanges good practices and lessons learned.
- EuroMed Prosecutors General Forum (PG Forum): gives strategic direction and endorsement to the work of CrimEx, identifies prosecution related challenges, and recommends solutions.
Strengthening the EuroMed Justice Network (EMJNet): a cross-Mediterranean network composed of practitioners to strengthen contacts and operational cooperation between criminal justice authorities from South Partner Countries and EU Member States.
Organising joint trainings and workshops for EU Member States and South Partner Countries, focused on practical aspects of judicial cooperation and case studies, as well as trainings of trainers for South Partner Countries based on the EuroMed Justice products.
Providing ad-hoc technical assistance upon the request of minimum two participating countries to support activities not foreseen in the original plans, organising operational meetings among South Partner Countries and between South Partner Countries and EU Member States, with the possible participation of Eurojust.
Organising meetings on the benefits of international agreements, facilitating developments in the data protection regimes of South Partner Countries and organising visiting professional stays at Eurojust to support the negotiation of international agreements between Eurojust and South Partner Countries.