
2. Practical support to 8 800 cross-border criminal investigations

During 2020, prosecutors from across the European Union and beyond turned to Eurojust for assistance in nearly 8 800 cross-border criminal investigations, an increase of 13% compared with 2019 in terms of total number of cases supported by the Agency.

About half – 4 200 – were new cases opened during 2020, in spite of the challenging circumstances imposed by the many measures introduced as of March to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The other nearly 4 600 cases were ongoing from previous years, reflecting a growing level of complexity in cross-border criminal investigations, which increasingly last more than one year. This confirms a recent trend of cases referred to Eurojust becoming more and more complex and requiring support over longer periods.

Interactive maps with Eurojust casework activities

Cases per countryMap showing number of cases, coordination meetings, coordination centres and joint investigation teams per country

Case activity between countriesMap showing number of case requests by a given country to other Member States and/or Liaison Prosecutors
