JIT funding

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07 June 2024|PRESS RELEASE
33 searches were conducted and four people were detained in Moldova following a joint action by authorities in France and Moldova after investigations have uncovered a multi-million euro bribery scheme to help fugitives evade international justice. On 5 June a high-level official was arrested in...
12 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Portugal and Romania have dismantled an organised crime group involved in human trafficking, qualified fraud and money laundering. The suspects allegedly transported Romanian citizens, mostly minors and women, to Portugal...
09 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the Greek and Serbian authorities in dismantling a drug trafficking network allegedly involved in the murder of four members of a rival gang in Greece. In total, ten suspects were arrested in Serbia, Greece and Spain for the murders, which took place in 2020. Eurojust also...
01 March 2024|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust and Europol, authorities in Belgium and Hungary have taken action against an organised crime group involved in the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation. During a joint action, eight suspects were arrested in both countries. Several victims have been identified...
21 February 2024|PRESS RELEASE
National authorities in Latvia, Germany, France, Italy and Malta have carried out over 100 searches in a large-scale operation against a Russian-Eurasian criminal network and a Maltese-based financial institution allegedly involved in money-laundering services. Four suspects were detained during an...
21 December 2023|LAST UPDATE:11 March 2024|AVAILABLE IN 5 LANGUAGES
Who can apply: JITs leader(s) / JITs member(s) / Delegated persons with relevant professional competency from a WB partner On behalf of the JIT Providing a signed JIT Agreement What is covered Costs of cross-border operations Organisation of coordination meetings and centres (travel, meals...