This report aims to assist competent judicial authorities in the EU Member States in effectively recovering criminal assets and in contributing to the fight against transnational crime.
It is primarily based on the analysis of cases addressing asset recovery issues registered at Eurojust between 1 January 2014 and 31 March 2018, and is complemented by views expressed during dedicated discussions with some Eurojust National Desks.
The report tracks the four stages of the asset recovery process. It constitutes an overview of the main legal and practical issues encountered by Eurojust in its casework in the field of asset recovery, the support provided by Eurojust at any given stage of the asset recovery process, the main judicial cooperation instruments and tools used, and best practice identified.
Eurojust’s Casework in Asset Recovery at a Glance constitutes an abbreviated version of the Report on Eurojust Casework in Asset Recovery.