
Country fiches: Malta

IP crimes are regulated in the Maltese Criminal Code. The criminal code provisions shall be applicable together with special laws on various intellectual property rights.

Trade Secret violations are not regulated in the Criminal Code. In 2019 Malta implemented Trade Secrets Directive by adopting Trade Secrets Act; however it does not contain any criminal provisions.

In Malta, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of the intellectual property crimes. These crime fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

Verified in November 2024

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes

Copyright violations

Article 298A and 298B of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Paragraphs 42-44 of Copyright Act Cap 415
Copyright Act Cap 415: 

Counterfeiting of trademark

Article 298 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Paragraphs 108-122 of Trademark Act Cap 596
Trademark Act Cap 596: 

Patent violations

Article 298 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Paragraphs 50 - 57, 117 and 119 of Patents and Designs Act Cap 417
Patents and Designs Act Cap 417: 

Industrial design violations

Article 298 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Paragraphs 50 - 57, 117 and 119 of Patents and Designs Act Cap 417
Patents and Designs Act Cap 417: 

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Not considered as ad hoc criminal offence. In these cases the offence of fraud (Article 293 of the Criminal Code) is applied.

Violations of plant variety rights

Not considered as ad hoc criminal offence. In these cases the offence of fraud (Article 293 of the Criminal Code) is applied.

Trade Secrets violations

No provisions in the Criminal Code. Chapter 377 of Professional Secrecy Act
Professional Secrecy Act: 
In 2019 Malta implemented Trade Secrets Directive by adopting Trade Secrets Act; however it does not contain any criminal provisions
Trade Secrets Act: 

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

The IP crimes’ investigation and prosecution fall under the competence of Economic Crimes Squad in Financial Crimes Investigations Department of the Police Force.

There is no specialised unit for IP crimes’ investigation.

Economic Crimes Squad

+356 2122 4001

16, Farsons Street, Hamrun

Financial Crimes Investigations Department 


The IP crimes’ investigation and prosecution fall under the competence of Economic Crimes Squad in Financial Crimes Investigations Department of the Police Force.

In case IP crimes are related to cybercrimes, the prosecution falls under the competences of the Attorney General.

Economic Crimes Squad

+356 2122 4001

16, Farsons Street, Hamrun

Financial Crimes Investigations Department 

Attorney General

+356 2248 8800

Admiralty House, 53, South Street, Valletta, VLT 1101

Attorney General


There are no specialised courts on IP crimes. This type of crime fall under general court system. The general courts are organised in a two-tier system:

  • Magistrate’s Courts;
  • Courts of Appeals.

Maltese Courts

List of Maltese courts and their contact details: Illoggja biex Tidħol

Illoggja biex Tidħol

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.

Fittex is-Sentenzi – eCourts.gov.mt

Selected judgments from:

  • Courts of Magistrates (1st instance)
  • Criminal Court (1st instance)
  • Civil Court (1st instance)
  • Court of Appeal (2nd instance)
  • Court of Criminal Appeal (2nd instance)
  • Constitutional Court.

Other available resources:

  • Information on judicial sales in Malta