
2022 in figures

While Eurojust’s work in 2022 heavily focused on supporting Member States’ and partners’ judicial response to the war in Ukraine, the Agency continued to fully deliver on its mandate to fight all serious cross-border crimes.

Eurojust contributed to the arrest of more than 4 000 suspects, the seizure and or freezing of criminal assets worth almost EUR 3 billion and the seizure of drugs worth almost EUR 12 billion.

Reflecting the growing scale of the challenge, the cases dealt with by the Agency in 2022 involved more than triple the number of victims than in 2021. Moreover, compared to the previous year, more than double the number of cases used Eurojust’s support in drafting and executing European Arrest Warrants (EAWs).

These impressive operational results[1] could not have been possible without the transnational cooperation between judicial authorities facilitated by Eurojust, in close cooperation with all actors in the criminal justice chain.

Operational outcomes 2022 infographic
View infographic in full size [PDF]

Casework increase

Eurojust’s casework continued to grow in 2022, with a 14% increase compared to the previous year. More than 5 000 new cases were opened in 2022, while more than 6 000 cases from previous years continued to receive legal, analytical, logistical and financial support from the Agency.

The high number of ongoing cases reflects the sustained assistance required over years by many of the increasingly complex investigations Eurojust supports.


Overview of cases in 2022 involving Member State National Desks

Member State National Desk Cases initiated by the National Desk Participation in cases initiated by other Desks Participation in joint activities/meetings
New in 2022 Number of countries involved Ongoing from previous years New in 2022 Ongoing from previous years Coord. meetings JITs Action days
2 3 or more
Belgium 114 93 21 142 306 521 89 26 26
Bulgaria 129 123 6 96 180 287 18 6 2
Czech Republic 134 113 21 217 119 227 43 41 3
Germany 970 902 68 683 667 1039 152 53 6
Estonia 48 42 6 65 67 106 15 8 1
Ireland 35 32 3 135 103 187 30 7 0
Greece 193 191 2 666 112 189 8 3 0
Spain 337 295 42 240 541 876 79 9 8
France 285 174 111 614 996 974 128 43 6
Croatia 53 51 2 24 93 141 4 0 2
Italy 507 427 80 622 400 600 126 56 8
Cyprus 72 72 0 94 73 179 6 0 0
Latvia 53 41 12 75 71 137 46 14 4
Lithuania 98 84 14 90 227 242 69 16 1
Luxembourg 8 8 0 73 70 195 8 1 0
Hungary 252 219 33 307 171 297 27 19 2
Malta 27 23 4 54 74 181 7 0 1
Netherlands 147 132 15 243 435 672 81 17 6
Austria 202 183 19 197 208 286 29 10 1
Poland 260 240 20 256 340 565 76 30 2
Portugal 193 169 24 102 141 211 21 1 1
Romania 177 157 20 207 280 358 54 41 6
Slovenia 250 225 25 120 66 124 10 7 1
Slovakia 119 109 10 137 100 222 31 23 1
Finland 67 54 13 91 40 107 30 10 3
Sweden 166 141 25 321 96 191 56 24 1
Denmark 40 38 2 77 56 164 16 7 1
Total 4936 4338 598 5948 * * * * *

* These columns cannot be summed up, since more than one National Desk can be requested to participate in a single case, and coordination meetings and JITs are often co-organised.

[1] It should be noted that these outcomes were achieved also through cases that were opened before 2022 and were included in the reporting on operational outcomes in Eurojust’s 2021 Annual Report. The outcomes of these cases are included again for 2022 reporting purposes, since the cases were still ongoing.
