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10 December 2024|PRESS RELEASE
National Member for Spain Mr José de la Mata Amaya was elected Vice-President of Eurojust today. Mr de la Mata (62) will serve a four-year mandate and work closely with the recently elected new Eurojust President Mr Michael Schmid and fellow Vice-President Ms Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė, to...
29 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė, National Member for Lithuania, was elected Eurojust Vice-President on 28 June 2022. Ms Šniutytė-Daugėlienė has been representing the Lithuanian judiciary at Eurojust since 2019 and will serve a mandate of four years with immediate effect.
17 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
Mr Boštjan Škrlec, National Member for Slovenia, has today been elected Eurojust Vice-President. Mr Škrlec has been representing the Slovenian judiciary at Eurojust since 2017 and will serve a mandate of four years. Last month, Mr Ladislav Hamran was re-elected President of Eurojust while in...
Eurojust’s Presidency comprises its President and two Vice-Presidents, who are assisted in the performance of their specific duties by the administrative staff of Eurojust. Elected from among the National Members, the President represents the Agency, oversees meetings and directs and monitors...