Report of Eurojust's casework experience in the field of prevention and resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction

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This report concerns Eurojust’s experience in the field of the prevention and resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction, in particular, in the period from 2009 to 2014.

The report is based on Eurojust’s casework, seminars organised or co-organised by Eurojust and contributions made by Eurojust. The report also reflects the outcome of interviews conducted by the University of Luxembourg with several national desks in February 2015 as well as the College Thematic Discussion on Conflicts of Jurisdiction that took place in March 2015.

The report starts by recalling the main legal provisions on conflicts of jurisdiction (infra I) and then addresses Eurojust’s casework in the field of prevention and resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction from four different angles: the identification and coordination of parallel proceedings (infra II); the criteria and decisions on which jurisdiction should prosecute (infra III); the transfer of proceedings (infra IV) and issues related to the application of the principle of ne bis in idem (infra V).




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