Eurojust Written Requests on Jurisdiction in a Nutshell

29 September 2021|AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH
Publication cover

Eurojust written requests (or recommendations) are issued by National Members to assist national authorities when jurisdictional issues arise between two or more Member States. They are based on Article 4(2)(b) of the Eurojust Regulation and fall within the autonomous initiative powers of Eurojust.

They usually take the form of ‘joint requests’, i.e. requests issued jointly by two or more National Members involved in a case (and, sometimes, by Liaison Prosecutors). With a joint request, the National Members ask their respective competent authorities to accept that one of them is in a better position to undertake an investigation or prosecute specific acts. The conclusion included in the joint request is based on an in-depth assessment of the legal and factual circumstances of the case and is developed in accordance with the Eurojust Guidelines on Jurisdiction.




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