In the fourth quarter of 2018, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU adopted Eurojust's new legal framework. The new Eurojust Regulation (EJR) completes the new EU criminal justice landscape by setting up Eurojust as the EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation and improving its role in serving justice across borders for a safer Europe.
The EJR will enhance the Agency’s operational capabilities and strengthen cooperation with prosecution authorities of the Member States and partners in the area of Justice and Home Affairs cooperation, such as FRONTEX and Europol, in the fight against serious organised crime and terrorism. EJR sets the objective to increase information exchange between Eurojust and Member States while ensuring an adequate level of data protection. It also brings governance reforms, including the creation of a new Executive Board, which will improve Eurojust’s efficiency and management structure. Democratic oversight will be guaranteed through regular reporting to the European Parliament and national parliaments. The Regulation will also establish institutional, operational and administrative relations with the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office to ensure complementarity and synergies.