1. The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Network of Contact Points for the investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (hereinafter referred as the ‘Network’) reiterated the importance of the Network as a forum for practitioners to exchange information, facilitate cooperation and enhance national investigations and prosecutions to bring perpetrators to justice and close the impunity gap for the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (also referred as ‘core international crimes’).
2. The Network members expressed their appreciation for the focus of the open session on the possibilities and opportunities for prosecuting foreign fighters for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide to combat impunity. States mainly approach the issue of foreign fighters from a counter-terrorism perspective. However, to ensure criminal responsibility of perpetrators and to deliver justice to victims, investigation and prosecution of all crimes committed by foreign fighters, members of ISIS and other terrorist groups during the armed conflict in Iraq and Syria are essential.