5th EU Day Against Impunity

25 June 2020|PUBLICATION
Publication cover

On Saturday 23 May 2020, the fifth EU Day against Impunity was marked in an alternative format, due to the current Covid-19 crisis. The event was organised in collaboration with the Croatian Presidency, the European Commission, the Network for investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (‘the Genocide Network’) and Eurojust.

The objective of the annual EU Day Against impunity is to raise awareness on the most heinous crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Moreover, the aim of the event is to promote national investigations and prosecutions, and to acknowledge the common efforts of the Members States and the European Union in enforcing international criminal law. This day further provides the opportunity to pay respect to victims of these crimes and to bolster the European-wide commitment to continue fighting against impunity.




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