During a visit to Eurojust, the President of Slovenia, Ms Nataša Pirc Musar, highlighted how judicial cooperation through the Agency supports justice being done across borders and ensures Europe’s safety. She met with Eurojust President, Mr Ladislav Hamran, who acknowledged Slovenia’s role in the fight against organised crime across Europe, and Eurojust Vice-President, Mr Boštjan Škrlec, who illustrated how Slovenian representation at Eurojust engages with partners from the European Union and beyond, to coordinate judicial cooperation and enhance security.

The President of Slovenia, Ms Nataša Pirc Musar said: I am pleased with the excellent work of Eurojust, particularly its cooperation with the competent authorities in Slovenia. I welcome the EU's focus on tackling organized crime, such as money laundering and corruption, which cannot be addressed by national authorities alone. I believe a solid legal framework and political will are essential for effective cooperation with other countries, and Slovenia supports all initiatives in this regard. We will need to continue relying on Eurojust’s experience, both in developing new legislative approaches and in better implementing existing ones, ensuring their complementarity, and added value.
Since 2020, Slovenian authorities have worked on more than 1 300 cross-border cases at Eurojust. The Slovenian authorities initiated 1 070 of these cases whereby they requested cooperation with other authorities, following their own national investigations. In 304 cases, the Slovenian authorities were a requested party. Recently, Slovenian authorities worked together with Italian authorities to arrest a dangerous Italian fugitive criminal leader in Koper, Slovenia. Authorities from Slovenia were involved in 18 joint investigation teams (JITs). This cooperation tool allows authorities to directly exchange information and evidence in real time and jointly carry out operations, making judicial cooperation easier and more efficient.
The importance of Slovenian cooperation in cross-border judicial cooperation was emphasised by Eurojust president, Mr Ladislav Hamran, who stated, Crime carries no passport, and it is only through close cross-border cooperation between prosecutors and investigative judges that we can we ensure justice. With a 25% increase in Slovenia’s caseload at Eurojust since 2020, the country sets a strong example as a key partner for the EU’s safety and security. I am deeply grateful to President Pirc Musar for her support, and look forward to working even more closely with colleagues in Slovenia going forward.
The Eurojust cases that Slovenian authorities participated in focused mostly on swindling and fraud. Other crime areas that authorities were investigating included money laundering, drug trafficking and organised crime. Through Eurojust’s support tools, national authorities within and outside the European Union are able to work together effectively. Eurojust helps authorities overcome legal, language and resource barriers in their criminal investigations, ensuring that national borders are no obstacle to prosecuting crime and serving justice.