EuroMed Justice (EMJ) VI kicked off today with an online launching conference attended by high-level representatives of the South Partner countries and European Union Member States.
Today’s conference marked the official start of the Project’s 6th phase, which has a budget of EUR 6 million and a duration of four years. In addition to the delegations from the South Partner countries and EU Member States, the conference was attended by representatives of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations and the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, as well as representatives from EU Agencies and international organisations.
EMJ VI will continue to develop its sustainable cooperation mechanisms for cross-border judicial cooperation in criminal matters, consolidate relationships and mutual trust for efficient responses to judicial cooperation issues. It will enhance capacities of South Partner Countries to tackle serious and organised crime through efficient and effective international judicial cooperation.
EMJ VI will continue to support the strategic cooperation mechanism established in the previous phases of the project:
- EuroMed Justice Expert Group in Criminal Matters (CrimEx), which fosters the region’s ownership in the implementation of the project, builds trust and mutual confidence, and exchanges best practices and lessons learned
- EuroMed Prosecutors General Forum (PG Forum), which gives strategic direction and endorsement to the work of CrimEx, identifies prosecution-related challenges and recommends solutions.
It will also strengthen the EuroMed Justice Network (EMJNet): a cross-Mediterranean network of practitioners designed to strengthen contacts and operational cooperation between criminal justice authorities from South Partner Countries and EU Member States. Eurojust will support the EMJ project by sharing expertise and best practices from the agency and EU Member States on how to use tools and instruments on judicial cooperation. It will also support Commission-led negotiations of international agreements between Eurojust and South Partner Countries.
About the EuroMed Justice Project
Funded by the European Union, EuroMed Justice aims to strengthen the strategic and operational cooperation in judicial criminal matters between South Partner Countries and European Union (EU) Member States. Its long-term objective is to contribute to the development of safer societies as well as to contribute to the protection of citizens in SPCs and EU MS against criminal activities, with due respect for the rule of law, and human and fundamental rights. It has been implemented by Eurojust since 2020.
More information on the EMJ Project and its implementation can be found in this leaflet and on the EuroMed Justice webpage.
*This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.