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10 November 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and the Attorney General of Nigeria, Mr Lateef Olasunkanmi Fagbemi, SAN, signed on 9 November a Working Arrangement to enable structured and closer cooperation in the fight against organised crime groups (OCGs). This paves the way for the establishment of a Contact Point for Eurojust in...
PUBLICATION DATE:16 December 2021
Despite the fast growth of the amount of electronic data stored by Service Providers (SPs) and the increased demand for cross-border access to such data in criminal investigations and proceedings, judicial cooperation procedures have not adapted to this reality and are often still heavily paper...
12 February 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With more than 1 200 new registered members last year, the release of the EU Digital Evidence Situation Report 2020 and a growing hub of information and resources for EU authorities, the SIRIUS project hosted yesterday its annual Advisory Board meeting to present its 2020 main achievements. This...