Report of Eurojust Meetings on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery, 2023-2024

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Money laundering and asset recovery are a high priority on the EU agenda. This report summarizes the discussions held at the first and second Eurojust Meetings on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery held at the Eurojust premises on 19-20 June 2023 and 20-21 June 2024.

The meetings brought together dedicated prosecutors specialised in asset recovery and tackling money laundering from the European Union and countries with liaison prosecutors at Eurojust. Furthermore, representatives of the European Commission (DG FISMA, DG HOME, DG JUST and DG ECFIN), Europol, EPPO, EJN, CARIN network, INTERPOL, the Council of Europe (MONEYVAL), FATF and representatives from Asset Recovery Offices, Asset Management Offices and Financial Intelligence Units, participated.

The meetings aimed at exchanging best practices, legal and practical difficulties in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering and in the efforts towards asset recovery. They combined plenary presentations and workshops on specific aspects of money laundering and asset recovery.

One of the recommendations stemming from the meetings is the setting up of a Judicial Focus Group on Money Laundering and Asset recovery, which would be composed of prosecutors or judges, who would represent a multidisciplinary hub of experts at national level involved in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering and asset recovery, such as asset recovery offices, asset management offices, law enforcement, financial intelligence units, financial accountants, crypto experts. The Judicial Focus Group would give judicial authorities guidance on specific matters such as post-conviction financial investigations, exceptional costs concerning the execution of freezing and confiscation orders, and guidance on restitution to or compensation of victims. Eurojust is uniquely placed to bridge the gap between the national hubs by creating this international platform represented by the judiciary.

On 5 November 2024, the College of Eurojust approved the setting up of the Judicial Focus Group on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery.




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