Eurojust is entering a crucial phase of development as it approaches the end of its first decade. We face new challenges in our core business of supporting and strengthening cross-border investigations and prosecutions in the European Union. The Lisbon Treaty has created a new legal landscape with the possibilities of regulations on Eurojust and the creation of a European Public Prosecutor’s Office from Eurojust; the revised Eurojust Decision has given a central place to strengthening our casework capacities. We must plan for increased co-operation with third States and higher expectations from Member States. In order to continue to provide a high-quality service, Eurojust must also develop its organisational structure and dynamics.
This Multi-annual Strategic Plan 2012-2014 (MASP) sets out the direction Eurojust will take in light of these challenges. The MASP identifies four strategic goals: improving operational work, becoming the centre for effective judicial action against cross-border crime, improving relationships with key partners, and securing further efficiency in working methods. Our strategic goals will be achieved over the next three years by implementing multi-annual strategic objectives. These strategic objectives will be further detailed each year in Eurojust’s annual Work Programmes.
This MASP also supports key elements in the planning process, such as the Staff Policy Plan (SPP), Establishment Plan (EP) and Draft Budget (DB) for 2012 and later years. Implementation of the strategic objectives will be monitored via the performance management and reporting mechanisms established in the annual Work Programmes. Annual Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be used for this purpose. Annual Activity Reports will record progress in implementation.