Key factors for successful investigations and prosecutions of core international crimes

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This factsheet outlines the key factors for successful investigations and prosecutions of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes within the EU. It is essential for Member States to adopt a complete legislative framework defining core international crimes into national law. To build successful cases, countries should set up specialised units or appoint dedicated staff. The allocation of adequate human, financial and material resources is necessary, and political support is key.

Member States are increasingly successful in the fight against impunity, thanks to the support of key accountability actors, such as the International Criminal Court, the United Nations, and civil society organisations. Joint investigation teams (JITs), facilitated by Eurojust, are increasingly used as an effective tool for core international crimes cases. One example is the JIT set up in March 2022 between Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland, which was established with Eurojust’s support within a month from the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The factsheet highlights the importance of addressing the rights and needs of victims and witnesses, and provides a series of successful case examples.




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