This report summarizes the discussions of the Focus Group of Specialised Prosecutors against Trafficking in Human Beings ("THB Focus Group") during its third meeting held at the premises of Eurojust on 26 and 27 June 2024. The establishment of the THB Focus Group is a key action of the EU strategy against trafficking in human beings (2021-2025). It is implemented by the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator (EU ATC) together with Eurojust to strengthen judicial cooperation in cross-border human trafficking cases and to improve the criminal justice response of this crime by fostering its understanding.
The third meeting of the THB Focus Group:
- brought together specialised prosecutors and investigating judges from the EU Member States, third countries and representatives from Eurojust, the European Commission, Europol, the European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats (EMPACT) and the private sector;
- aimed at exchanging views, experiences and best practices in the investigation and prosecution of complex human trafficking cases;
- combined plenary presentations and workshops on specific aspects of THB.