Conclusions of the 35th Meeting of the Network for Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes

Publication cover
  • Witness protection and support in core international crimes and universal jurisdiction cases within international and national jurisdictions.
  • Challenges encountered in witness protection for core international crimes (pre, post and during trial)
  • Necessity to safeguard the safety and security of witnesses and their families
  • Managing witness protection, including insiders
  • Witness protection in the new Ljubljana – The Hague Convention
  • Distress for ISIL accountability efforts due to the approaching closure of UNITAD
  • Status update on cases pursued by Ukraine
  • Recent legal developments concerning the situation in Israel and Gaza
  • Findings of the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran and CSOs
  • Australia’s recent efforts in investigating and prosecuting core international crimes




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