Conclusions of the 31st Genocide Network meeting, 6-7 April 2022

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  • Second hybrid meeting (in person and via videoconference)
  • Exchanges on the notion and use of structural investigations in core international crimes cases and lessons learned from the Koblenz trial
  • Presentation of the advantages and value of structural investigations for core international crime/universal jurisdiction cases in the national practice of Member and Observer States
  • Perspective of the UN International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism for Syria (IIIM) on the concept of structural investigation and related challenges
  • Highlights of the verdict of the Koblenz trial, from the ‘Caesar files’ investigation to procedural obstacles, challenges, forensic analysis as well as financial, legal and judicial support granted by Eurojust in relation to joint investigation team
  • Civil society perspectives on the Koblenz trial and support provided by civil society actors to the investigation, victims and witnesses
  • Hope for justice and accountability amongst victims and the Syrian community
  • Update on the Initiative for a new Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition for domestic prosecution of the most serious international crimes
  • Update on activities presented by the Exclusion Network of the EU Asylum Agency




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