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01 December 2020|NEWS
In a virtual meeting today, Eurojust presented an overview of its activities for evaluation by the Interparliamentary Committee. Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran, Vice-President Mr Klaus Meyer-Cabri and the Liaison Prosecutor for the United States of America, Ms Rachel Miller Yasser, explained...
30 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust, the Hungarian authorities have dismantled an organised crime group (OCG) engaging in large-scale VAT fraud. The operation was also supported by the law enforcement authorities of Austria, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. During a joint action day, seven...
23 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
Thanks to rapid judicial cooperation via Eurojust, nine members of a Romanian Organised Crime Group (OCG) have now formally been charged in Romania and Finland for human trafficking, inciting prostitution and money laundering. The suspects were arrested during an action day in May this year in...
20 November 2020|NEWS
The EU’s Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies are stepping up their mutual cooperation on digitalisation. On Friday 20 November, the Heads of JHA Agencies came together for a virtual annual meeting, chaired by Eurojust, where they had a first exchange on Artificial Intelligence and digital...
17 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
Mr Boštjan Škrlec, National Member for Slovenia, has today been elected Eurojust Vice-President. Mr Škrlec has been representing the Slovenian judiciary at Eurojust since 2017 and will serve a mandate of four years. Last month, Mr Ladislav Hamran was re-elected President of Eurojust while in...
16 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
Ms Eleni Kouzoupi has taken up her duties today as new National Member for Cyprus at Eurojust. Ms Kouzoupi has had an extensive career in European legal affairs and worked for a long time as Justice and Home Affairs Counsellor at the Cypriot Permanent Representation to the EU. She succeeds Ms...
11 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust continues to support the crackdown on large-scale piracy and fraud with pay-TV and film streaming, by coordinating an action day at the request of the Italian authorities. Over 5.550 computer servers, which were used to transmit and store television broadcasts, live sports games and films...
10 November 2020|PRESS RELEASE
At the request of the Swiss authorities, Eurojust has coordinated an action day against large-scale piracy and copyright infringements via the illegal streaming of television series and films, operating in Switzerland. In total, 11 servers have been taken down in France, Germany, Monaco, The...
10 November 2020|NEWS
How to enable the further digitalisation of investigations was the main focus of the 16 th Annual Meeting of National Experts on joint investigation teams (JITs) today. During this online meeting, in their opening remarks Europol Executive Director Ms Catherine De Bolle and Eurojust President Mr...
10 November 2020|NEWS
Eurojust has presented a first report on its casework in the field of the European Investigation Order (EIO). By 2017, most EU Member States had implemented the EIO Directive (EIO DIR), establishing a single regime under which judicial authorities could obtain evidence in cases with a cross-border...