Executive Board

Eurojust’s Executive Board assists the Eurojust College in its management functions. It oversees the necessary preparatory work of the Administrative Director on administrative matters for adoption by the College, and it takes administrative decisions that are explicitly described in Article 16 of the Eurojust Regulation.

The Executive Board is chaired by the President of Eurojust and comprises the Vice-Presidents of Eurojust as well as a representative of the European Commission. Two other members of the College are appointed to the Board under a two-year rotation system. The term of office of Executive Board members ends when their term as National Members, President or Vice-President ends.

Eurojust will invite the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) to participate without the right to vote in Executive Board meetings that are of relevance to its functioning.

Current members

The current members of the Executive Board are:

  • Michael Schmid, President of Eurojust;
  • José de la Mata Amaya, Vice-President of Eurojust;
  • Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė, Vice-President of Eurojust;
  • Josip Čule, National Member for Croatia;
  • Aldo Ingangi, National Member for Italy (ad interim); and
  • Richard Sonnenschein (DG JUST), Commission representative.


The Executive Board assists the Eurojust College in its management functions. The Executive Board is not involved in the operational functions of Eurojust as outlined in Articles 4 and 5 of the Eurojust Regulation. It oversees the necessary preparatory work of the Administrative Director on administrative matters for adoption by the College, and it takes administrative decisions as explicitly described in Article 16 EJR.

The Executive Board is in charge of:

  • adopting an anti-fraud strategy for Eurojust, based on a draft prepared by the Administrative Director;
  • reviewing Eurojust’s programming document, draft annual budget and draft annual report on Eurojust’s activities, and forwarding them to the College for adoption;
  • adopting appropriate implementing rules relating to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union;
  • ensuring adequate follow-up to the findings and recommendations of internal or external audit reports, evaluations and investigations;
  • making decisions on the establishment and, where necessary, modification of Eurojust’s internal administrative structures;
  • assisting and advising the Eurojust Administrative Director on the implementation of the College’s decisions, to reinforce supervision of administrative and budgetary management;
  • delegating the appointing authority power to the Administrative Director and establishing the conditions under which this delegation of powers can be suspended;
  • adopting the financial rules applicable to Eurojust;
  • overseeing the appointment of an accounting officer and a Data Protection Officer at Eurojust; and
  • undertaking any additional administrative tasks assigned to it by the College.

Meetings and procedures

The members of the Board meet at least once a month, though meetings may also take place more frequently at the initiative of its chairperson, at the request of the European Commission, or at the request of at least two of its other members. During meetings, the Executive Board makes decisions by a majority of its members. Each member has one vote, with the Eurojust President placing the casting vote in the event of a tie.

Eurojust’s Administrative Director also attends the meetings of the Executive Board without voting rights. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) may also participate, without the right to vote, in meetings which are of relevance to its functioning.

Summaries of meeting outcomes