JITs funding


Eurojust provides financial support to the cross-border activities of joint investigation teams (JITs), as part of its efforts to facilitate the use of this judicial cooperation tool. Eurojust provides targeted reimbursement for costs incurred during JIT operational activities within several common areas of expenditure:

  1. travel and accommodation;
  2. interpretation and translation;
  3. transportation costs for transferring items;
  4. specialist expertise costs.

Eurojust loans equipment and provides funding to enable JITs to purchase their own low-value equipment (such as hardware or software) to address both the increased need for communication between JIT members and the lack of IT tools.

Overview of funding process »

Eurojust and Europol have collaboratively produced a Funding Opportunities flyer that gives a comprehensive overview of the available funding opportunities offered by both agencies to national law enforcement and judicial authorities in need of financial or operational support, with the aim of providing initial knowledge and stimulating contact to find out which funding scheme fits best.

Funding Schemes flyer »

For targeted information about the various aspects of the JITs funding schemes, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).


Calls for proposals

The call for proposals provides the legal framework for Eurojust to financially support JITs activities over a certain period. The call provides relevant information concerning the submission of funding applications.

Latest call for proposals »

Launch of call:


Deadline for applications:


Actions to take place between:

02/04/2025 – 01/07/2025

Claims to be reported at the latest by:


Eurojust also offers Financial Assistance to JITs for urgent and unforeseen actions falling outside the scope of the regular Eurojust JIT funding scheme with call for proposals. This funding scheme aims at providing targeted financing to urgent and/or unforeseen activities of JITs that are of operational nature, outside the calls for proposals. Please click on the ‘Urgent funding’ tab to apply for this type of funding.

Applications and extensions

JITs funding applications under the regular funding scheme with Calls for Proposals shall be submitted via its dedicated online tool - the JITs Funding Portal. New applicants are invited to create an account in this online tool upon first use.

The JITs Funding Portal provides guidance on the application process and a swift procedure for uploading supporting documents. For new users of the Portal a tutorial video as well as a Quick Start Guide, a User Manual and FAQs are available.

Urgent JITs funding applications under the Funding without Call for Proposals scheme shall be submitted using the relevant application form and budget estimate file (not via the JITs Portal). Please see the ‘Urgent funding’ tab for more information.

Apply via JITs Funding Portal »

In the event of experiencing any technical difficulties, please contact Eurojust for assistance by email at jits@eurojust.europa.eu.

Additional documents

For awards already allocated, extension of the action period may be requested. Awards under the Funding without Call for Proposals scheme cannot request an extension of the action period.

News and updates

Request for extension of the action period


As of Call 1/2025, the request for extension of the action period shall be submitted at least 2 working days before the end of the action period. Please follow the deadlines overview published here. To request the extension, please use this Request form.

JITs Funding Planning 2025 available now


For your planning purposes, two documents in relation to the Eurojust JITs funding for 2025 are now published:

  1. Time slots 2025” provides all the relevant dates and deadlines for each step in the process of the standard JITs funding scheme, and
  2. Extension deadlines 2025” informs about the dates and deadlines for requesting an extension of the action period for which the JITs have been granted an award.

Joint Europol- Eurojust Funding Opportunities Flyer


In the past months, colleagues from both Europol and Eurojust have been busy collaborating in order to prepare and present the most recent version of the affectionately-known “Funding Flyer”.

This has now been given the shiny new title of “Funding Opportunities Flyer”, and reflects relevant information and changes to all support possibilities within the funding programmes on offer. This most recent version has now been published by both Europol and Eurojust.

The flyer can be accessed here: www.eurojust.europa.eu/document/funding-schemes-flyer

New Reimbursement Claim Form has published


The new Reimbursement Claim Form has been published on the Eurojust website. This form shall be used for claiming the reimbursement of costs incurred under the standard funding scheme as of call for proposals 2/2024 onwards (with an action period starting from 2 April 2024). The new form is accessible here.

New features include the new cost items recently introduced alongside those already in place; and claimants shall indicate in this form, whether national authorities also wish to claim indirect costs, which represent 7% of the total eligible direct costs.

Extension request


On 28 October 2020, as a Covid -19 business continuity measure, it was announced that requests for extension of the action period may be submitted in a simple format by way of a written request via email.

As of 1 July 2024, these extension requests will no longer be covered by an exceptional Eurojust Decision. Therefore, these requests will revert to pre-Covid practices and they will only be accepted when submitted using the official template. The template is available on the website here.

The deadlines for submission remain unchanged – any extension request shall be submitted at least one working day before the end of the relevant action period (for deadlines, please see here).

JITs Funding Infographic update


In the previous weeks the JITs Network Secretariat have published changes in JITs funding, mainly linked to new cost categories. We have now also updated the Infographic accordingly, and you will find the new version on our website. We also have available hard-copy versions; should you wish to make use of these for dissemination to your colleagues/national authorities, please get in touch with us at jits@eurojust.europa.eu



New cost categories


As of 19 February 2024, several new cost categories are available for funding within the JITs funding schemes as follows:

  • Domestic travel costs (both funding schemes)
    • travel costs incurred by persons involved in JIT activities within their own State;
    • such costs are eligible when the travel distance exceeds 200 km per one-way journey;
    • specific unit costs apply;
  • Car rental (within the standard funding scheme as it is already available under the urgent funding);
  • Hire of IT/electronic equipment and licences/software (both funding schemes);
  • Indirect costs (both funding schemes)
    • costs calculated and funded on flat rate bases of 7% of the total eligible direct costs to cover any overhead costs.

For more details please see the updated Terms and Conditions (for standard funding) and Invitation (for urgent funding).

Claims Module is live! Implementation of 2-factor authentication


The Claims Module for online submission of reimbursement claims is now live! The Claims Module is a part of the JITs Portal and is accessible via the same log-in procedure. We would like to encourage you to use this tool for reporting your claims as of Call for proposals no. 6/2023 (deadline 1 February 2024). If you encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact the JITs Network Secretariat (at JITs@eurojust.europa.eu). Reimbursement claims submitted by email using the official template will still also be accepted until further notice.

The 2-factor authentication for logging in to the JITs Portal has been launched and is applicable as of 13 December 2023. To access your account in the JITs Portal, you will be prompted to use your original password and a one-time password/code received to your mobile phone number. Please bear this in mind when applying for funding within future calls for proposals.



JITs Funding Planning 2024 available now


For your planning purposes, two documents in relation to the Eurojust JITs funding for 2024 are now published:

  1. Time slots 2024” provides all the relevant dates and deadlines for each step in the process of the standard JITs funding scheme, and
  2. Extension deadlines 2024” informs about the dates and deadlines for requesting an extension of the action period for which the JITs have been granted an award.



Delays in implementation of 2-factor authentication and Claims Module


The intended implementation of 2-factor authentication necessary for logging in to the JITs Portal and the Claims Module for submission of reimbursement claims online, has unfortunately been delayed. The 2-factor authentication will not be applicable for the Call for proposals no. 8/2023 and the Claims Module will not be made available in November 2023 as initially planned and announced.

The actual dates of implementation of both tools will be announced in due course.



FAQs published to help practitioners


The JITs Network Secretariat have published a new guiding document - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The list of FAQs has been composed in order to help practitioners to better understand the JITs funding processes, and to provide answers to common questions and issues.

The questions and answers have been divided by subject, based upon the chronological steps of the JITs grant lifecycle: application, implementation of actions, reimbursement and extension of action period. Answers to questions regarding urgent funding, and a comparison of both the standard and urgent funding schemes are also contained therein.

For more details and any further specific questions you can contact JITs Network Secretariat at: JITS@eurojust.europa.eu.



Updated Invitation and Terms and Conditions for 2023

The Invitation for submission of applications under the urgent funding scheme for 2023 was published on 3 January 2023. The updated Terms and conditions for the standard funding scheme were published on 9 January 2023.

Several novelties have been introduced to both funding schemes, as follows:

  1. Urgent funding scheme:
    JITs can apply for purchase of low value equipment (with threshold between EUR 100 -750).
  2. Standard funding scheme:
    JITs may freely use the awarded funds between the awarded cost categories (the limitation of transfer between cost categories up to 20% is cancelled).
  3. Both funding schemes:
    • JIT members can combine two means of travel for a single trip in cases of force majeure.
    • JITs may submit their claims for reimbursement after the claims deadline upon the following conditions:
      • the award is not yet fully consumed;
      • the reserved funds have not been released for use by new JIT grants;
      • the claimant provides operational explanation/ justification.

These changes to the urgent funding scheme (without calls for proposals) are applicable immediately; and the changes to the standard funding scheme (with calls for proposals) are applicable as of Call 1/2023.

In addition to this, the collaborative Europol-Eurojust JITs Funding Flyer, has been recently updated to incorporate the additions to the funding schemes as of the close of 2022. The most recent version (Issue No. 4, January 2023) is now also published on the Eurojust website.



New cost categories available under the “urgent” funding scheme


In response to the needs of joint investigation teams, the JITs Network Secretariat has updated  the funding scheme outside the call for proposals, to include some new funding options.

As of 1 October 2022 in addition to the existing costs categories, JITs may also apply for funding of costs related to car rental; and to request the loan of equipment.

The funding scheme outside the published calls for proposals is available for urgent activities of joint investigation teams, that could not be foreseen within the regular funding scheme call for proposals. These implemented changes will further enhance the “urgent” funding scheme, enabling JITs to have quick access to funding and equipment to cover a wide range of JIT-related costs and operational needs.



JITs Reimbursement Claim Form updated


The JITs Network Secretariat has updated the Reimbursement Claim Form for grants awarded under the regular Eurojust JIT funding scheme with calls for proposals.

The updated form allows for the inclusion of costs related to the recently introduced cost categories: specialist expertise costs; costs for victims and witnesses; and purchase of low-value equipment.

The process for submitting Reimbursements Claims remains the same:

  • Form to be filled in, printed, signed and scanned;
  • Supporting documents are required for each cost claim within the form;
  • The signed, electronic version of the form and the supporting documents are to be emailed to JITS@eurojust.europa.eu.

Please use the new form for any current and future claims!



JITs Funding Planning 2022 now available


Two essential documents in relation to the Eurojust JITs funding for 2022 are now published. The first one is the “Key Dates related to Call for Proposals” which gives an overview of all the relevant dates and deadlines for each step in the process of the JITs standard funding scheme; and the second one is the “Key Dates related to Request for Extensions” which advises practitioners on the dates and deadlines for seeking an additional timeframe in which to complete their operational activities for which they have been granted a Eurojust Award Decision.
The documents can be accessed at the links above.



New cost categories


Eurojust is introducing new cost categories to its JITs funding programme – specialist expertise and purchase of low-value equipment. Furthermore, costs for victims and witnesses (those related to travel, accommodation and interpretation) will also be eligible for reimbursement. JITs may apply for funding for such costs as of the Call for proposals 7/2021, launched on 11 October 2021.

The updated applicable Terms and Conditions of Eurojust’s financial assistance to the activities of Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) are available on the website (here).



NEW- JITs Reimbursement Claim Form 2021


The JITs Network Secretariat has now released the JITs Reimbursement Claim Form 2021.

The Form has a slightly modified format; with a separate Report on Funded Actions (Annex 1) for completion by JIT Claimants.

The process for submitting Reimbursements Claims remains the same:

  • Form to be filled in, printed, signed and scanned;
  • Supporting documents are required for each cost claim within the Form;
  • The signed, electronic version of the Form and the supporting documents are to be emailed to JITS@eurojust.europa.eu.

IMPORTANT - Please no longer use the Reimbursement Claim Form 2020!



JITs Funding Planning 2021 now available


The JITs Network Secretariat has published the JITs Funding Planning for 2021.

The Planning gives a complete overview of key dates per Call for proposals and for the different steps in the funding process, including deadlines for submission of funding applications and claims. A separate overview is available for key dates and deadlines for Request for Extension.

Are you planning to apply for funding for your JIT? Please consult the deadlines in the overview of Time Slots 2021. Or would you like to request an extension of the action period? Please consult the Extension deadlines 2021 for relevant dates.



Further changes to the JITs funding process due to COVID-19


As the COVID-19 pandemic persists in affecting the execution of the execution of JIT-related activities across the EU, Eurojust has implemented further measures to guarantee the continued availability of the JITs funding programme.

The temporary changes to the JITs funding programme as announced on 31 March 2020 remain applicable, with the following adjustments:

  1. The possibility to submit a request for extension of the action period one day before the end date of the action period, as well as the extension conditions are now included in the updated Terms & Conditions. A written request by email is still sufficient. Please note that the Informative guide on extension of the action period is no longer valid.
  2. Utilisation of funds across foreseen cost categories remains flexible - respective provision is made under point 56 (previously under point 44) of the updated Terms & Conditions.
  3. The temporary changes are applicable to all Calls 2020 and will be applicable to Calls in 2021 until further notice.

Any request for an extension of the action period to be submitted by email is to use the following address: JITS@eurojust.europa.eu.

Eurojust is hopeful that these adjustments will provide JIT funding beneficiaries with the flexibility needed to execute the operational activities of their JIT in order to ensure a successful continuation of investigations.



Terms and conditions for JIT funding updated


The Terms and Conditions of Eurojust’s financial assistance to the activities of Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) have been updated. The T&Cs will come into force from Call 6, which will be launched on 24 August 2020.

Some of the introduced changes and updates allow for more flexibility at the application or reimbursement stage, such as the possibility to accept costs for translation and interpretation from/ to any of the working languages of the institutions of the EU for reimbursement (Articles 50 and 51).

More flexibility is also introduced regarding the extension of the action period: a new condition enables JITs to request an extension at least one working day before the end of the action period (Articles 54 and 55).

Other changes concern the recommendation for JITs to mention the received funding and include the Eurojust logo in any communication or publication related to the funded actions (Article 12), and a new section reflecting the relevant provisions of the Eurojust Regulation related to audits (Articles 73 and 74).



Temporary changes to the JITs funding process due to COVID-19


In light of the exceptional circumstances associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, Eurojust has implemented various measures to ensure the continued availability of the JITs funding programme. The range of state-imposed restrictions on meetings and gatherings as well as travel bans will make it very difficult to execute the activities of a JIT.

Eurojust wants to offer JIT funding beneficiaries the flexibility to facilitate the execution of planned activities and, therefore, announces the following temporary changes to the JITs funding process:

  1. he possibility to submit a written request via email for an extension of the action period at any time, but no later than one (1) working day before the end date of the Action Period. The request must include the JIT Award Decision number for which the extension is requested, the name of the JIT, and the name of the national authority requesting the extension on behalf of the JIT.

    The general rules for an extension of the action period will remain, as mentioned in the “What are the conditions?” section of the Informative guide on extension of the action period.

    The extension will be granted through an Amendment to the Award Decision.

  2. To waive Point 44 of the Terms & Conditions to allow beneficiaries to utilise funds across foreseen cost categories, exceeding the applicable limit of 20%.
  3. To exclude the consumption rates from below-mentioned calls when calculating the execution rate in the evaluation of new JIT applications. This means that the possibly quite low consumption of JIT funding during the COVID-19 pandemic will not affect the scoring for new JIT applications.

The mentioned changes and possibilities are available for JITs with an existing award for funding in Call 8/2019, Call 1/2020 and Call 2/2020, and will become available for JITs with an award for funding in subsequent Calls if the situation so requires.

A request for an extension of the action period, including the mandatory information as explained above, can be sent by email to JITS@eurojust.europa.eu.

Eurojust is hopeful that these measures will provide JIT funding beneficiaries with the flexibility needed to execute the operational activities of their JIT and ensure a successful continuation of investigations.

Urgent Funding

In addition to the regular funding scheme comprised of eight calls for proposals, Eurojust also provides Financial Assistance to JITs for urgent and/or unforeseen actions falling outside the scope of the regular Eurojust JIT funding scheme with call for proposals.

This funding scheme aims at offering targeted financing to urgent and/or unforeseen activities of JITs that are of operational nature, outside the calls for proposals. Applications for urgent funding may be submitted anytime throughout the year.

Urgent JITs funding applications shall be submitted using the relevant application form and budget estimate file. The Invitation outlines the conditions and procedure applicable to urgent funding.