
10. Economic crime

Economic crime continued to be a major focus of Eurojust’s casework in 2021, and covered investigations into offences ranging from crimes against the financial interests of the EU, VAT and investment fraud, money laundering, corruption, as well as intellectual property crime. Best practices and learnings from across these offence areas were distilled into Eurojust guidelines and reports in 2021.

Cases by crime type in 2021
A single investigation can fall into several crime categories if several types of crime are concerned. For further information, see the Data Annex.
Crime type Ongoing cases New cases
Swindling and fraud 1 453 1 680
Money-laundering 648 1 020
Drug trafficking 869 733
MOCG 390 410
Cybercrime 188 210
THB 140 212
Corruption 112 214
Migrant smuggling 170 122
PIF 124 128
Terrorism 80 141
Environmental crime 21 41
Intelectual Property crime 14 17
Core Internnational Crimes 7 9