Administrative Director

Mr Vincent JaminThe Administrative Director manages the administration of Eurojust, which in turn supports the Eurojust College. The Administrative Director is a temporary agent appointed by the College to implement day-to-day administrative tasks assigned to Eurojust. He or she is appointed for a term of four years, with a term limit of two terms. The Administrative Director functions as the legal representative of Eurojust. Since 1 October 2023, Vincent Jamin is the Administrative Director of Eurojust.


The Eurojust Administrative Director is generally responsible for overseeing the day-to-day administration of Eurojust and staff management, and for ensuring the necessary administrative support is provided to facilitate Eurojust’s operational work. Other specific functions of the Administrative Director include:

  • ensuring the President and Vice-Presidents receive the necessary administrative support to carry out their duties;

  • implementing the decisions adopted by the Eurojust College and Executive Board;

  • preparing Eurojust’s programming document and submitting it to the Executive Board for review;

  • implementing the programming document and reporting to the Executive Board and College on its implementation;

  • preparing the annual report on Eurojust’s activities and presenting it to the Executive Board for review and to the College for adoption;

  • preparing an action plan to follow up the conclusions of internal or external audit reports, evaluations and investigations, and reporting on progress twice a year to the College, Executive Board, European Commission and EDPS;

  • preparing an anti-fraud strategy for Eurojust and presenting it to the Executive Board for adoption;

  • preparing draft financial rules applicable to Eurojust;

  • preparing Eurojust’s draft statement of estimates of revenue and expenditure and implementing its annual budget;

  • preparing a draft proposal for the budget, for review by the Executive Board; and

  • appointing authority or concluding contracts of employment of other servants.

Appointment procedure

Eurojust’s Administrative Director is appointed by the College from a list of candidates proposed by the Executive Board. His or her term of office lasts four years, with a term limit of two terms.


Mr Vincent Jamin is a French prosecutor by career. He holds a master’s degree in private law and joined the judiciary in 1998. In court, he specialised in investigating and prosecuting financial crime.

Between 2003 and 2010, he worked in the French Ministry of Justice as a coordinator for EU and international negotiations in judicial cooperation in criminal matters and their transposition into domestic law.

In 2010, he joined the French Desk at Eurojust and provided support to national authorities in the coordination of cross-border cases.

In 2013, he took up duties as Secretary of the Network of National Experts on Joint Investigations Teams and occupied this position until March 2018, when he was appointed Head of Eurojust’s Operations Department. In this function, he was in charge of the management of human and financial resources devoted to supporting the core business of the Agency, including the implementation of the digitalisation strategy of the Agency.

Since October 2023, Vincent Jamin is the Administrative Director of Eurojust.