Eurojust publishes comprehensive, up-to-date information on requests for public access to Eurojust documents, including statistics regarding the number and nature of access requests. This information is provided in the following tabs and can also be found via the Public Register of documents.
Reports on requests
Report on requests 2023
In 2023, Eurojust received 35 requests for public access to documents and 6 third-party consultations. This represents a significant increase compared to the previous year, in which 13 individual requests for public access to documents and 7 third-party consultations were received.
Eurojust provided full access in 13 occasions, partial access in eight occasions and rejected access in 11 occasions. In six occasions, the requested documents were already in the public domain. Additionally, seven requests were closed as Eurojust did not hold the requested documents, and two were withdrawn by the applicants.
Eurojust granted access to fifty-four documents, i.e. full access to thirty documents and partial access for twenty-four documents. Eurojust refused access to the requested documents in full in relation to twenty-one documents. Twenty documents were already public.
Read the full report on requests in 2023.