Eurojust’s Presidency comprises its President and two Vice-Presidents, who are assisted in the performance of their specific duties by the administrative staff of Eurojust. Elected from among the National Members, the President represents the Agency, oversees meetings and directs and monitors Eurojust’s activities and management. The Vice-Presidents carry out duties entrusted to them by the President and represent the President if he or she is prevented from carrying out his or her duties.
In October 2017, the College elected Ladislav Hamran, National Member for the Slovak Republic, as its President. In November 2020, he was re-elected for a second term.
The National Member for Slovenia, Boštjan Škrlec, was elected Vice-President in December 2020.
In June 2022, Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė, National Member for Lithuania, was elected Vice-President.