Joint Romanian and Finnish Presidencies, 14th Meeting, 18 October 2019
Conclusions (Council document 13995/19)
- How to ensure criminal justice in cyberspace?
- How to cooperate in the digital world?
Joint Bulgarian and Austrian Presidencies, 13th Meeting, 19 October 2018
Conclusions / Council document 14459/1/18
- Counter-terrorism: Current challenges in combatting and preventing terrorism
- Recent developments in the EU’s criminal justice area – Reform of Eurojust and EPPO
- Eurojust: Developments in operational priority areas and institutional outlook
Joint Estonian and Maltese Presidencies, 12th Meeting, 6 October 2017
Conclusions / Council document 6029/18
- The use of digital tools in criminal proceedings
- Data retention
- The Eurojust meeting on illegal immigrant smuggling
- Eurojust: Developments in key priority areas and institutional outlook
Joint Dutch and Slovak Presidencies, 11th Meeting, 3 June 2016
Conclusions / Council Document 12393/16
- Cybercrime: “Keys to Cyberspace/EU Judicial Cybercrime Network”
- Latest Developments in Key Crime Areas
- Cooperation with Key Third States in Serious and Organised Crime, including on Terrorism and Illegal Immigrant Smuggling
Luxembourg Presidency, 10th Meeting, 11 December 2015
Conclusions / Council Document 05930/16
- The CJEU’s Annulment of the Data Retention Directive: Practical Implications for Investigations and Prosecutions
- Terrorism: Towards a Common Judicial Response to Foreign Terrorist Fighters
- Illegal Immigrant Smuggling: Challenges and Best Practices in Investigations and Prosecutions
- Future Perspectives: Working Methodology of the Consultative Forum
Latvian Presidency, 9th Meeting, 5 June 2015
Conclusions / Council Document 14174/15
- The Setting-up of the EPPO and its Relationship with Eurojust
- Conflicts of Jurisdiction, Transfer of Proceedings and Ne bis in Idem: Perspectives and Proposals
- Towards New Synergies and Interaction in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: the Roles of the EPPO, Eurojust, EJN, Europol and OLAF in Light of the Present and Future Legal Framework
- Foreign Fighters: Eurojust’s Views on the Phenomenon and the Criminal Justice Response
Italian Presidency, 8th Meeting, 12 December 2014
Conclusions – Council Document 8552/15
- Freezing and Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime: Improving Mutual Recognition
- Investigating and Prosecuting Cases of THB and Illegal Immigrant Smuggling Involving Migration Flows by Sea: Challenges and Best Practice
Greek Presidency, 7th Meeting, 11 June 2014
Report and Conclusions – Council Document 13581-14
- The European Arrest Warrant: Perspectives and Proposals
- Investigating and Prosecuting Corruption Cases in the Member States: Challenges and Best Practices
Lithuanian Presidency, 6th Meeting, 13 December 2013
Conclusions – Council Document 8617/14
- Future of Eurojust
- Set-up and functioning of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
- EU Internal Security Strategy: how to enhance its judicial dimension?
- After the Stockholm Programme: strategic guidelines for the future of the area of freedom,
security and justice
Irish Presidency, 5th Meeting, 26 April 2013
Conclusions and summary of replies to questionnaire on the EPPO – Council Document 11628/13
- Practical operation of the proposed European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) at national level
- Victims’ rights: Directive on the rights of victims - implementation, experience, impact
Cyprus Presidency, 4th Meeting, 14 December 2012
Conclusions and summary of replies to questionnaire on PIF offences – Council Document 8151/13
- Succeed in the fight against crimes affecting the EU financial interests
- Succeed in freezing and confiscating criminal assets
- Evaluation of Eurojust’s support to the activities of the Consultative Forum
Polish Presidency, 3rd Meeting, 16 December 2011
Conclusions – Council Document 7067/12
- Fight against crimes affecting the EU’s financial interests (PIF): challenges for investigation and prosecution in the Member States
- Witness protection: judicial aspects and challenges
- Access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings
Hungarian Presidency, 2nd Meeting, 23 June 2011
Report – Council Document 17457/11
- Corruption
- European Investigation Order (EIO)
Belgian Presidency, 1st Meeting, 16 December 2010
Report – Council Document 6199/11
- Purpose and mission of the Consultative Forum
- National methodologies for determining priorities on criminal policy
- European dimension of criminal policy - contribution of the judicial authorities
Spanish Presidency, Preparatory Meeting, 20 May 2010
Guidelines for a Future Mandate
- Guidelines for a Future Mandate of the Forum – Objectives and Format