In 2021, Eurojust offered operational support to several cases involving labour or sexual exploitation. For example, in February 2021, a network involved in the concealed employment of Moldovan nationals, working under false identities on building sites in France, was dismantled as the result of a Eurojust-supported JIT between the French, Romanian and Moldovan judicial authorities. During an action day, 38 persons were arrested, 11 bank accounts were frozen and 15 luxury cars and EUR 100 000 in cash were seized. Eurojust supported the action day and assisted in the execution of EIOs and requests for mutual legal assistance in coordination with the Moldovan authorities.
Similarly, in June 2021, a JIT set up by Eurojust between the Italian and Romanian authorities took action against a criminal network which exploited female victims for street prostitution in northern Italy. During an action day supported by Eurojust, eight suspects were arrested in both countries. Safety was provided for the 20 female victims, who were forced to borrow money from the OCG at extortionate interest rates.