Eurojust is financed from the EU community budget. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament decide Eurojust’s annual budget, based on proposals from the European Commission and Eurojust’s Management Board.
Eurojust establishes its budget in accordance with the principles set out in the Eurojust Financial Regulation. Once the final budget is adopted by Eurojust’s Management Board, as the last step of the EU budget process, it is published in the Official Journal of the EU. If required, Eurojust may request and adopt an amending budget, within any given year, through the same procedure as the initial budget.
The budget consists of a statement of revenue and expenditure, presenting the funds authorised for making the commitments and payments necessary to achieve the Agency’s objectives and activities, as set out in the annual work programme of the accompanying Single Programming Document, which constitutes Eurojust’s financing decision. The budget also supports the implementation of the Agency’s Establishment Plan, which sets the number of staff per category authorised for the respective years.
The list of initial and amended budgets provide information on the total budget available for Eurojust, in any given financial year.