
Publication date (field_publication_date)
PUBLICATION DATE:08 January 2018
PUBLICATION DATE:08 January 2018
PUBLICATION DATE:04 January 2018|Last update: 29 February 2024
PUBLICATION DATE:03 January 2018
PUBLICATION DATE:03 January 2018
PUBLICATION DATE:15 December 2017
In November 2014, German investigators from PPO Essen asked Eurojust for support in an investigation of large-scale theft of motor vehicles and valuable car parts, such as navigation systems and airbags, by an organised crime group (OCG), composed mainly of Lithuanian nationals, with links to...
PUBLICATION DATE:12 December 2017
This legal analysis provides an overview of relevant Italian case-law on illegal immigrant smuggling through the sea, highlighting the main obstacles faced by Italian prosecutors in dealing with such cases and solutions emerging therefrom. It further highlights the operational guidelines developed...
PUBLICATION DATE:06 December 2017
The 13th annual meeting of the National Experts on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) - organised by the JITs Network Secretariat in close cooperation with Eurojust and Europol - took place at Eurojust in The Hague on 17-18 May 2017. The meeting brought together experts from Member States...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 December 2017
Eurojust presents this third issue of the Cybercrime Judicial Monitor (CJM). The CJM is published once per year and distributed to law enforcement and judicial authorities active in the field of combatting cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime. This issue of the CJM contains four main sections. The...