In line with Regulation 2018/1046 on the financial rules applicable to the EU general budget, Eurojust operates within a binding budget, planning, reporting, performance and governance framework. Eurojust’s Single Programming Document (SPD) comprises an essential element of this framework.
Covering a three year period, the SPD contains both a high level, multi-annual outlook as well as a more elaborate annual work programme (AWP), which focus on the implementation of Eurojust’s Multi-Annual Strategy (MAS). It presents the Agency’s objectives, activities, expected results and performance indicators, as well as the related human and financial resources. The SPD also includes more detailed information on specific key strategies of the Agency concerning efficiency, organisational management and internal control, environmental management and cooperation with third States and international organisations.
Once approved by Eurojust’s Management Board as part of the annual budget process, it becomes the Agency’s financing decision and the basis for monitoring and assessing Eurojust’s performance in the Consolidated Annual Activity Report.